• 4 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024

  • I would leave about 1/4 acre unmowed on the side

    If I did that my entire yard would be overgrown, because it’s smaller than that lol. I did let the backyard mostly go wild a few years ago, had an interesting mix of native species and invasive. Invasive won by a landslide, even while manually keeping the English ivy in check. Creeping Charlie and purple deadnettle went everywhere. Some areas eroded so much due to lack of turf roots (either outcompeted or succumbed to the combo of early direct light followed by shade most of the day) that it’s basically just big baked bald spots. One of these years I’m going to try and figure something out to repair it… just need the intersection of time and money.

  • Also run all those “mosquito control” companies out of town, because they’re killing all the insects on all the properties around wherever they spray

    Had a guy knock on my door a few months ago. They were “doing work in the neighborhood” (of course) and offering to treat the yard for carpenter ants. I declined. “It sure would be a shame if your neighbors all got treated and you ended up with an infestation.” Buddy, if all you got is movie mob threats, your career in “sales” is going to go about as well as the last dozen things you tried and failed at.

  • It’s two fold.

    One is quality of care. I was in a program that technically offered DBT. In a month’s worth of daily sessions (25 hours a week), we got two worksheets that introduced a couple of DBT concepts. Each was discussed for 50 minutes and then never spoken of again. I can count on one finger the number of therapists I’ve had that did active CBT work. And I hadn’t even heard of ACT until recently - one of the group facilitators in the program I’m attending brought it in as a passion project. The information is good but he’s struggling with the group dynamic.

    The other is, it’s not that insurance doesn’t cover the techniques, it’s that providers may or may not work with the insurance your employer chose. At my last job, 75% of the in-network list in like a 25 mile radius comprised of one organization that was basically a pill mill with a raft of overwhelmed social workers. It was maddening. And the only options were pay out the ass for out of network, or get a new job and hope it wasn’t more of the same.

    The US “health” “care” system no longer exists. Nobody in the pyramid cares about your health except for maybe your doctor. And there’s only so much they can do. It’s purely a “medical services industry,” whose sole purpose extracting profits from misery.

    Hail corporate. 🫥