I think that a lot of that will depend on how much shit his red hats fuck up and how fucked up they fuck it up.
I think that a lot of that will depend on how much shit his red hats fuck up and how fucked up they fuck it up.
They don’t want you to vote unless you support their candidate. They don’t want you to speak unless it’s hate speech or you support their candidate. They don’t want you to exist unless you exist the way they want you to exist. It’s Stepford Wives meets The Handmaid’s Tale.
If not he will spend the rest of his life in court trying to avoid prison.
If I was the publisher I would be giving a free copy to any school that asked for one.
If he doesn’t win he goes to prison, possibly for the rest of his life.
This is rage bait. How many times a year would this happen? Two? Three? There are more important things to talk about. That’s why they’re taking about this
I thought they were leaving and going to one of the tankie instances now that their banning of anyone who questions their misinformation to preserve the pure thought of their echo bunker has been exposed.
They weren’t duped. They gleefully and knowingly pushed anti-American propaganda in support of the Project 2025 Handmaid’s Tale christofascist theocratic dictatorship. They knew where the money was coming from but didn’t care.
I’ve owned guns for almost 40 years. I fully support the restrictions on gun ownership in Canada. If you’re buying a gun for how it looks, for how it makes you feel, or for how you think it makes other people feel you shouldn’t own guns. Guns aren’t jewelry. They aren’t a fashion statement. They’re a tool. The argument that they are functionally the same falls flat on its face when you challenge them to use the functionally equivalent walnut stocked field gun because they aren’t buying it for how it works, they’re buying it for how it looks.
Naked with a pocket knife or no balls.
The gun nuts always argue that they should be able to have the scary guns because they are no more deadly than the hunting guns. If they’re functionally the same buy the hunting gun unless you’re buying it for how it looks. If you’re buying it for how it looks you shouldn’t have guns.
Not in Canada. It’s actually possible to hunt using rifles that aren’t modled on weapons of war.
I see the vegan brigade has arrived to try to silence me with impotent Lemmy downvotes. Welcome, everyone!
Profiting off the suffering of others isn’t acceptable behavior. Establishments that do so should be boycotted where possible and practicable. I think protest is a justified response.
Abuse. Torture. Murder.
Vegan extremists throw those words around like they are universal facts of animal farming. They are in large concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) which is what the things that you might refer to as, “factory farms” are actually called. Small family farms, homesteads, and crofts treat their animals far better than CAFOs do. Animals aren’t abused or tortured on most family farms. When you use ridiculous inflammatory language like that most people stop listening to anything else you have to say.
Given two scenarios where I’m potentially wrong, the one where I’m mistaken and vegan is the one with a substantially more ethical outcome than the one where I’m mistaken and not vegan.
The issue isn’t you being vegan. Take the back of your hand off your forehead and calm down. I don’t care what you eat. If you want to eat vegan eat vegan. The problem is that the extremists start throwing around words like carnist, corpse muncher, blood mouth, cadaver, murder, etc. and no one takes them seriously anymore. I do the same thing when the extreme right uses the word, “woke” or the trans extremists use the word, “terf”. It immediately causes me to stop caring about anything else they have to say.
What exactly do you think I’m misrepresenting? Have you heard of the Antler Kitchen and Bar in Toronto and the months of threats, harassment, and abuse that was hurled at the owner and patrons in attempt to bully them into not eating meat?
Yes, I’m definitely picking the worst examples to illustrate my point just as someone else used the word, “murder” (the killing of one human being by another) four times when referring to non-humans.
I haven’t seen any posts come up in All where I said, “That looks really good. I would eat that.” I remember several photos of puddles of lumpy goo where I thought, “Ew”.
I’ve eaten plenty of vegetarian and vegan meals that I thought were delicious. I have no problem with vegetarians or vegans. I have a real problem with extremists no matter how they mistakenly believe that they are absolutely superior.
Its not really the eating meat part thats the bad bit, its that you have to murder an animal to get the meat. Notice there is no problem with lab meat or plant based meat.
The word you’re looking for is, “kill”. “Murder” is the killing of one human being by another. Using the word, “murder” ro refer to the killing of an animal is a bad faith attempt to use inappropriate inflammatory language to push your agenda.
I would hope everyone would aspire to exceed the standard of “does not murder things”.
Again, it’s not murder. It’s killing, but it’s not murder. If you want to be taken seriously use the correct word.
And yes I would argue that someone’s morals that allows them to murder anything, is almost always worse than someone’s morals that does not allow murdering.
You’re really fixated on murder but it’s the wrong word. It’s killing. You will plants when you eat them. You kill bacteria when you wash. Things die. It’s part of the cycle of life. Some things die and are consumed by other things.
Most people only ever hear anything from the extremists so you get painted with the same brush. I have friends who are vegans who are amazing people. I go out of my way to accommodate them. You are getting hate because of a very small group of fanatics who believe that they are absolutely morally superior and that that absolute moral superiority justified doing and saying anything to anyone who doesn’t agree with them in an attempt to shame, harass, and intimidate them into doing what they are told.
Have your considered simply minding your own business? No one wants you to serve them anything. The simply want you to keep your false sense of moral superiority and sanctimonious comments to yourself. It’s really quite simple.
Strong acid, strong base. Bake at 500C over night if it’s borosilicate to bake off all organics. It won’t get much cleaner than that.