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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Maybe, maybe not. Some people really do hold those opinions, for reasons not at all related to see see pee and Russia. Maybe they just noticed Big Business and billionaires get privatized profit and socialized loss while everyone else loses homes, then get criminalized for homelessness.

    I’ll say it again: we need to push hard to effectively address and correct conditions of despair, instead of criminalizing symptoms of despair.

  • I wasn’t intending rudeness, and did perceive rudeness in the form of bigotry, in yours. I can see how my comment could be perceived that way, and when I feel some weird way about others, I go outside, if only for a few moments (heavy schedule for a few months). Connecting with sunshine, fresh air, green space, watching squirrels, birds, hugging my favorite tree does wonders to preserve my sanity. I hope you’ll give it a try. I’m sorry I came off as rude, I was just taking a quick break between assignments, and I tend to be naturally terse, anyway, with exceptions. Like now.

  • I blocked one heavy news poster and am probably about to block another. How do people reasonably find time to do this, precluding unfathomable resources and hired help to do everything but eat, sleep and excrete? Even then, why would you want to? I am a month into classes (they are depressing when you realize how business - centric and human adverse they are, but necessary for reasons), and not doing daily short walks and I already miss them. Even if reading and parsing that much news and politics is humanly possible, why would one want to do that?

  • Op, I agree with getting some gastric testing, if possible. I may or not be divergent, testing is cost prohibitive. But I was diagnosed as a child with IBS and still have occasional issues after food poisoning set backs a while ago. After getting that straightened out, a decent probiotic cap with fiber set me back on track until I could eat a mostly veggie diet, until the robber Barron corporate overlords started pricing decent food so crazily. You can add nutrition to crackers or bread with nut butters if your toddler will have them. If toddler requires more sweetness, try adding as little maple syrup as possible, and honey if his practitioner deems it ok.

    Have you tried home made sweet potato fries (oven baked or air fry is fine, you’d have to look up how to oven fry them), or if your child will eat baked sweet potatoe with a little real butter they are highly nutritious and gut friendly. It’s just hard to say because one of the many reasons I may be asd is it doesn’t matter how much I like the flavor of something, if I don’t like the feel or consistency of a food, I’m simply not having it.