Perhaps more involved than you’d like, but you can get a “beer can cutter” which will allow you to eliminate the noise by removing the entire lid. Basically a fancy can opener.
Perhaps more involved than you’d like, but you can get a “beer can cutter” which will allow you to eliminate the noise by removing the entire lid. Basically a fancy can opener.
I see a chipmunk, I upvote. In other news, these cute little dudes love to jump up into the underside of vehicles. Had one jump up on the skid plates of my truck. He screeched at me when I popped the hood and used a stalk of grass to chase him out.
It does come in a bottle. Had an amoxicillin reaction. That bottle was a lifesaver every four hours of the day, or night. But I also think this is BS. Benadryl will plug you up like nothing else.
50 First Dates was quality. Ok, well, my future wife and I enjoyed it immensely. Besides, got laid after.
Cute murder floof.