They will not. What happened with Cyberpunk happened with Gwent before and nobody gave a single fuck.
They will not. What happened with Cyberpunk happened with Gwent before and nobody gave a single fuck.
It’s really hard at the beginning
Dude, that last guy. It was such tricky thing
I’d call it the best detective game if it wasn’t for the shadow of the doubt
Just bought, want to try
Shadow of the doubt
Return of the obra dinn
Hypnospace outlaw (haven’t played yet)
Lucifer among us (criminally short)
Into the breach
Curse of the dead gods
Sea of survivors
God of weapons
Tanuki sunset
En garde
Human fall flat
Later alligator
Party hard 2
Abandon ship
Lil gator game
Mosa lina
Only for no one else fucking them instead of him part
The only thing that matters to people who wait for this game is WHEN will they add boarding and combat on the land. It’s not IS it there or not, it’s just WHEN ubisoft will finally give up on pretending that they don’t know what everyone always wanted.
I worried about armor being too powerful nowadays. There is only desolator left for people now
At least someone gets fucked before getting fucked
My favourite forever will be Gerudo valley remix from one of the custom games
But i know more song from original soundtrack
It wasn’t great. It was just good in sense of it’s time. Some of those music still instantly wakes me up and turns into hunting machine
Ron don don
Those who asks questions stays hungry. Anyone with siblings know it
U mean a company that is famous for making tools and hiring devs with their ideas and helping them to make games does what they are actually good at?
Look at it this way:
CS is the mod to Half-life
Portal is the college project or some sort of prototype (I don’t remember correctly)
L4d is the mod to cs
Dota is the mod to war3
Dota underlords is same
Their only new in house game in past ten years is actually Artifact and it got bullied by media instead of actually giving a good feedback.
So, they just do what they always did - they support games they currently enjoying playing
I watched the youtube video about it and as far as i understand:
Venezuela doesn’t allow people to exchange in it’s currency from other currencies unless you are a person from president family or friends with him
However there is a weird legal way to do so, but it takes a huge amount of time and paperwork and you still can get rejected
There is shady exchangers in the country, but it is illegal and you might get in troubles even trying to do so with the wrong people and I don’t think someone would actually do it online
There is no excuse to ANY game, even the biggest open world, to have such a huge size. And we all know why it happens, because of uncompressed music and textures that people don’t want to waste time compressing nowadays.
And having a game take 100gb of size instead improving loading times and jumping from fight to fight on instant is stupidity. Gosh, graphics isn’t all
Don’t know german, still enjoying the hell out of ich_erl
I’d rather be able to connect a keyboard with wifi/bluetooth adapter or connect my phone for typing rather than have physical keyboard in any of handled devices. Dunno, small keyboards just doesn’t makes sense for my big fingers
Dude, i was about to call you stupid, but just listen. Last 4 AC games intentionally was made with grind barriers and selling customers time capsules. Don’t you think they know how you are gonna play and never return? I almost sure, they gonna design their game the way you will just make yourself invested to the story to the end of month, pay for the second one and get back only to find out mediocre continuation and some cliffhanger to return to in the next month aka mmorpg treatment.
Ubisoft games already sales with over a 70% discount within the year of the release, why wouldn’t you simply wait to play this mediocrity of gaming industry?