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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • I want neither of the two main options. Period. And my vote will reflect that. And if this country were sane, everyone’s vote should reflect that.

    By the way, this is NOT the way you get votes for biden. Responding to unhappy voters with “BUT TRUMP” just makes us want to stay home. Get your candidate to earn my vote if trump scares you so badly. Because the democrats will just run someone MORE abhorrent four years from now.

    I plan to flee the country if trump wins and have the means to do it. So if you’re so concerned, get the Democrats to shame their candidate into arguing for a ceasefire.

  • You told me this last fucking election and nothing has changed.

    I lost my reproductive freedoms

    I fear for my wife’s life whenever we have to travel out of state - she’s trans

    Clarance fucking Thomas is threatening to undo gay marriage.

    The democrats have done NOTHING for me. And instead i’m watching half of them cheerlead a fucking genocide of brown people in the middle east

    How are they different from republicans? How is biden different than trump? He’s trying to pass trump’s immigration plan while letting Bibi murder his neighbors.

    Nah fam. I’m officially giving up. People like you who refuse to hold democrats to account have made life worse for everyone.

  • And yet Biden refused to stack the court when he had the power too. And his party refused to codify roe into law since the supreme court decided the case in the 70’s. Obama even ran on codification in his first campaign and started out with a super majority.

    It’s the fault of republican assholery and democratic lazyness.

  • Kalysta@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlAnd I'll vote for him again
    3 months ago

    Woman here.

    I lost my reproductive rights under Biden and a democratic house and senate. They did nothing to save Roe other than howl at the moon and write strongly worded letters.

    Fuck both parties. Fuck electorial politics. We COULD elect a green party president but people like you swallow the party line and spend your time yelling at us to vote for your shit candidates who don’t want to work for us instead of actually working to put people in power who want to protect AND expand rights.

    I’ve been in this game a long ass time. The two party system will lead us to fascism eventually. The only way to win is to refuse to play their game.