“–skip-launcher” added to launch options in steam should skip straight to the game
“–skip-launcher” added to launch options in steam should skip straight to the game
Attempt to drive home after being awake for ~2 days. Flipped my vehicle several times and luckily came away with no serious physical injuries.
Mix of Diablo 4 and Halo Infinite multi-player depending on which friend group is online. Technically started AC:Valhalla as my single player game, but I get so little alone gaming time these days that I’m still only 45 minutes in after 3 weeks.
I have one still but the only reason it still exists is because my fantasy football group has a messenger group that it’s used for to coordinate draft times.
Not willing to go to reddit to confirm the name, but it was something to the affect of “Animals I didn’t know existed” didn’t check it much but I did enjoy when something new showed up.
Maybe Dwarf Delve? Not black background, but it is rune-style font and FPS.