• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • You may just have preconceived notions. I’m in a similar position and am trying not to expect this sort of behavior. However my plan is to maintain open and honest communication. If you feel resentment or animosity arising from someone, have a private meeting with them to discuss it. It’s a simple “hey I feel some resentment from you towards myself and/or other teams members and I wanted to clear the air and see if I did something to upset you?”. Usually simple, clear, concise beginnings are best. Get an understanding of why someone is acting a certain way then try to find a way to relate to their emotions. Then you can both try to come up with a way to relieve their resentment and tension between the crew members.

    Another comment said “we’re all adults” but society breeds immaturity and people rarely know how to discuss their emotions so they bottle them and that can manifest as anger or passive aggression. Both of which prolong uneasy feelings for NO reason when a small discussion can usually make things better. Confrontation can be hard at first, but ultimately helps to release pressure from building up inside.

  • I’ve experienced that as well with emails. I’ve gotten faster over the years because of the amount I’ve had to send but have definitely spent 30+ minutes writing some of them. I will write it and then read it out loud to myself to make sure it makes sense and, like you said, doesn’t sound rude or aggressive. Realistically, no matter how careful you are people still might misinterpret it. I’ve never been diagnosed or sought to be diagnosed with ADHD so it’s hard to say. I’m too stubborn to seek a diagnosis and try meds because it’s just one more thing for me to forget to do 😅

  • Yes! The guilt eats you alive and completely paralyzes you! I never could figure out what made me tick to help improve my study habits. But I just graduated so I managed and now I’m done forever! You will always wish you started sooner, no matter how early you start.

    For little things like emails, consider how they take barely 5 mins to do. We have 1,440 minutes in a day and we can’t even take 5 to send the freaking email?! I use that mindset for chores too. I gripe and moan about the kitty litter box but it takes 60 seconds to just scoop the damn thing.

  • “Just do it” is such easy advice to give but I feel your pain OP. There are things I want to accomplish that I CANNOT get myself up to do. I can’t execute plans or schedules for things that don’t immediately threaten my livelihood. It’s a real PITA. Executive dysfunction is a term I’ve read about recently that describes this.

    I’m convinced the way we think about things is the driving force. For example, I’ve always struggled to work out regularly. What’s really been helping me the last month is the mantra “I’ll never regret working out but I absolutely will regret not working out”. So try to critically evaluate your thought processes behind the things you want to accomplish and see if there is another way of thinking about it that makes doing it easier.

  • Gourmets would be so fun to grow! I did some actives awhile back for microdosing and it was so hard not to check on the tubs every couple hours. I had my eyes in lions mane at one point but never ordered any. What are some other ones you like and how do you like cook/prepare them? I’ve also wanted to get into wild foraging but need to do more research for what’s in my area and ensure I don’t bring home poisonous ones.