prior comment edited for ya.
prior comment edited for ya.
you’re correct, they do not strap guns to improvised attack drones. they’re not necessarily single-use either, though. A kamikaze drone will detonate its payload while its still attached, which is an option. There is plenty of footage of IADs which use a servo to just physically drop a payload onto targets from above, and those could potentially be used over and over. I think the kamikaze version is able to be more effective, for a variety of reasons, but both versions seem to be seeing use.
it’s not necessarily with a bullet. Most improvised attack drones drop explosive payloads, since it’s both simpler to set up and simpler to use. Outfitting a drone with a gun takes making a complicated system for aiming it, while a payload drone just needs some 3d-printed parts, some extra wiring, and usually just a single servo.
GarandThumb did some tests in a video a while back. IIRC he did both choked and not, along with different types of shot and slugs. everything but birdshot was pretty effective out to a couple dozen yards? I’ll track it down and drop a link after I’ve rewatched.
EDIT: so in “How Deadly are Shotguns”, they fire 00 Buck unchoked at around 7 - 8 minutes, and it is still getting a drone-sized spread at 21 yards. In the video “How Far are Shotguns Deadly? BirdShot, Slugs, and 00 Buckshot”, we see birdshot and 00 Buck used choked all the way out to 120 yards. From my perspective, birdshot and 00 buck start having a potentially viable spread at 50 yards (slowmo spread footage at 14 minutes).
I think that most likely, a pellet size between birdshot and 00 would be better, to provide that peppering effect while still delivering greater impulse per pellet. Garand also mentions in the first video that chokes can actually cause wider spread when used with shot, so unchoked shotguns may be ideal for an anti-drone function.
I would say that both Malcolm X and MLK ultimately failed at their end goals, personally.
My bigger point was that the holy week uprising was able to progress things forward more in one week than either movement could do in the many years they were active. To be fair, I do not think the level of vigour and organization shown in the holy week uprising could have happened without the many liberation groups’ prior work.
Ultimately, the use of violence is complex and how to effectively use it is just as complex. We should be discussing how to use all tactics and methods available, and not view violence as the only important component.
didn’t even notice the headline before I was laughing.
Nelson Mandela was released on the terms that he would preach peaceful protest, as the movement he had formerly been leading was a serious threat to the South African Government.
Reverend Martin Luther King Jr was a proponent of peaceful protest, though it could be argued he was losing faith in it near the end when he was assassinated. right after his death, the Holy Week Uprisings occurred, which saw immediate action from the federal government to pass the Civil Rights Act.
At the same time, acts of violence lie on a spectrum, and I think there is a fair amount of conversation to be had about what degree of violence and what type of violence are most effective.
A third option is to train with a gun buddy and buy one when you feel it is definitely needed. no major financial burden, and you get firearms training.
Some hikes shouldn’t be done alone.
Also this seems like it’s gearing you towards selfish thinking which can set you up to be more isolated and lonely as a person.
I gear towards joining in things that others I like the company of want to do. I get to hang out with them while doing some activity, and they get to enjoy that activity. Of course, if I’m going to invite someone to something, it’s most often going to be something I can enjoy myself. If it requires others I just check with my friends on who’s interested and do followups with them to reduce barriers and increase their chances of making it.
Mmm, nihilism juice. My favorite!
Psychopathy as a diagnoses is bullshit. People disassociate in different ways during traumatic events and as a coping mechanism for heightened stress all the time, and this reads exactly like that.
This does clearly show the kid is well-conditioned for being a cop, though. He seems like he’d be great at ‘just following orders’. at the same time, he’d probably be good as a paramedic or a fireman too, since all those occupations require you to emotionally disassociate to get your job done effectively.
TBF, I understand this annoying kind of ‘reading into it’. at the same time, if someone starts dropping dogwhistles or starts dancing around something in a convo, i am definitely gonna read into that shit.