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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Cloudflare yes. Even if you aren’t using tunnels it will help obfuscate your real ip. If you are hosting personal services you can also block access from countries you don’t expect to access them from.

    Also it seems most bots scanning domains are checking www and the base domain url. I recommend pointing those at a vps or something like GitHub or substack if you don’t need it for something else.

    Use a reverse proxy that 404s anything besides the subdomains you are actually using. Always use wildcard certs to avoid exposing subdomains and obfuscate your subdomains for common services to make them hard to guess.

    Isolate your servers from the rest of your network with vlans if possible.

    You will never be fully immune so all you can do is add more layers and roadblocks.

  • It’s… complicated. The US is more like the EU. Every state is practically its own country. Every state has its own health department. State wealth varies greatly and each state has their own opinion on what level of trust should be placed on federal government. The one example we have of federal health care (VA for military veterans) is shit.

    Maybe things will change based on the current trajectory… corporate buy outs have been rampant and experienced doctors are retiring to cash in before they can’t afford to run their own practice. It takes weeks to get appointments and most corporate doctors just want to stick to the treatment script they are provided. In other words, corporations are doing exactly what most people fear the feds would do.

  • Careful now, the model that is referenced defines the lifecycle of battery EVs as 16 years and hybrid and combustion as 18 years. Normalizing fuel production and maintenance to 18 years would put the BEV at 43.

    It’s also assuming that you would use a single battery pack until the end of life of the vehicle and that we are steadily progressing towards 100% fossil free energy production (targeting 2033 as the completion date).

    Global adoption rates, change resistance, production rates, raw material availability, economic impact, leaders who care more about power and money… I just don’t know that it’s feasible and the burden is all being placed on the lower and middle classes.

  • VS Community edition is kind of the demo/education version of Microsoft’s paid line of IDEs. It’s been a long time since I used the community version so I can’t say if the community edition would make for a great daily driver but I use the paid version every day and it has a lot of great tools that make my work a lot easier.

    Unfortunately it seems they cut some of the essential debugging tools out in the free version. The Pro/Enterprise editions are out of most folks price range so the paid line is mostly used by folks who get it through work. I guess it may still be worth giving a try if you intend to work on any of the MS developed technologies.

    For personal projects I usually use VSCode. It has some unusual quirks due to being designed around extensions but those extensions really turn it into the swiss army knife of IDEs. The “Remote Development” extension especially has been great with my homelab projects as it lets me edit files on my headless Linux VMs from my Windows PC in a relatively user friendly IDE.