I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I mean plenty of lefty folks hate righties but they hate the ideology and not the people. They hate the people in so much as they hate the ideology they spout and its hate. There is a lot of hate inherent to right ideology but not so much in left ideology. At the end of the day I don’t hate any particular person just them pushing things on me or the world that makes either worse. Take the old order anabaptist types like the amish. They are ultra conservative but keep to themselves. Is there bad things in the way their communities run. You betcha. But anyone can leave and sure they will be shunned but otherwise if they accept just not being part of it then they are free of it all. I am sorta losing where I am going with this but hope it helps in some way.

  • I mean I was born at sorta the decline of things in the early 70’s. So many nasty environmental things had been cleaned up do to efforts in the 60’s but even going back to the forestry service from the depression. Regulation was high so we had actual inspectors and having a recall of foodstuff was a rarity. Theoretically the economy was not great supposedly but boy you could buy a lot of eggs per hour of minimum wage and minimum wage was not something that anyone was expected to raise a family on. If you had an efficiency apartment and beater car and had enough to hit the bars every weekend you where a loser going no where with your life. Almost nothing was in plastic. Grocery bags were paper and convenience foods were in glass or aluminum by and large. Kids hung around when school was not in session but there was an adult at home in half the houses at any particular time. If someone got injured or something then odds are someones mom would be home at the time by and large. Most people worked 9-5 and when they worked weekends or nights they got a pay bonus and over 40 hours time and a half except holidays or sundays when it was DOUBLE TIME! Oh and pensions were still a thing.

  • most religious people I know in real life are relatively chill. Most folks keep it by and large to themselves honestly. Im athiest now and used to be agnostic (technically still am but that is a whole huge debate topic itself). There is a lot of sorta anti religion now but I think that mostly is due to religion being injected into laws and causing non religious to see it as an evil. Which I get. When someone is trying to codify their religion into law its scary af. Even religious folks don’t like it but then if non religious get to zelous it hampers them down in the conversation.