• 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2023


  • I don’t call for an end to America over its hundreds of years of killings, murder, rape, slavery, genocide, ecocide, innumerable hypocrisies, and corrupting hegemony. I don’t come on here and sweatily proclaim that all I hope for is the fall of the American ascendency. I don’t because I recognise that America like Catholics or Muslims is a vast mix of people with a wide range of lived experiences and view points. And that not all of their history is terrible. Some of it is actually commendable. And the actions of the leaders often do not line up with the majority of their people.

    Yes, true, Catholic church is outdated and reactionary with way more than it’s fair share bad actors but there are also hundreds of millions of Catholics, and people with Catholic backgrounds but no longer practicing, out there that are a wide mix of human beings that deserve a basic amount of respect.

    You can, for clarity, include within the parameters of basic respect, to not have to endure your overgeneralising hostile invective.

  • It’s perfectly legitimate to have issues with any organised religion but damning everyone brought up in their traditions is myopic.

    I was brought up a catholic in Northern Ireland during the troubles. Similar prejudice was routinely trotted out to justify treating us as second class citizens. So surprise, surprise even now as an atheist, I find it a bit triggering, as anyone mght imagine, to hear someone singling out my persecuted community in such a toxic mischaracterisation. I didn’t ask to be catholic but I was brought up in a community of caring and open minded people. Sure there were arseholes but guess what every community has them.

  • Hamartia@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldFirst game you played
    5 months ago

    Mazogs on my godparents ZX81. The game was basically navigating a maze and occasionally fighting spiders. Which was a luck based thing where you just ran into them and waited for the result. Not very exciting but novel at the time.

    But it probably wasn’t the very first game. I grew up in a tiny coastal tourist town that had four arcades. So it’s more likely the earliest games I played were in them but I don’t have a defined ‘first’ memory. They were fairly ubiquitous arcade games so: Space invaders; Donkey Kong; Pac-man; Asteroids; Frogger; Pole position; Paper boy; Lunar lander, etc.

    I think the first game that I ever got addicted to (partly because I had the pocket money to sustain the addiction) was Ghosts and Goblins. Been chasing that buzz ever since lol.