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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Yes, but what else should Biden and the Democrats do? Because if they stop providing aid to Israel, you can bet Russia and China would be more than happy to offer their assistance, and not only would the assault on Gaza continue, the Russians and Chinese would probably provide Israel with tips on the best way to genocide. By supplying Israel, America at least has a seat at the table and any discussions, and can push Israel towards softening their stance, but the moment they stop providing Israel with assistance, Israel will just block them out, and as I said others would be more than willing to not just step in and help Israel destroy the Gazans, but would love to use it as a testing ground for newer weapons. So, the question is what would you have America do? At least by supplying aid to Israel, they stay involved, and can use their presence to push for peace, but you would have America give up it’s only leverage to help the situation, because if America stopped supplying Israel, they would up just like the UN, World Court, and other international organizations, that are complaining loudly and being completely ignored by the Israeli government.