• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I’m a huge Doom (1/2/3/2016) fan but I’m not sure how I feel about this. Eternal just seemed like more or the same so I never even bothered playing it. The Dark Ages is starting to feel a little too Anime and just outside the whole space-based Doom universe. This just doesn’t seem like Doom to me and the gameplay looks like more of the same basically from the trailer.

  • broad, sensationalist strokes

    Can you clarify what you perceive as sensationalist about what I wrote? Based on the number of upvotes this thread has, I’m not the only one that thinks this way. (My tax dollars are currently going to fighting cybercrime sponsored by Russia, fighting Russian disinformation campaigns, and providing materiel to fight the Russian military.)

    I take great pride and responsibility in my critical thinking skills

    Me too, but as I mentioned in another thread, the issue is that not everybody is gifted with those same critical thinking skills, and the impact on those less equipped can be catastrophic. (see: pizzagate shooting)

    range of ideas acceptable to post on Lemmy were restricted to those acceptable to our mainstream media

    I do think we disagree on this here - For me, mainstream media is primarily good journalism where information is fact-checked and vetted. (Don’t forget there’s libel laws that keep journalists in check too in most countries.) Opinions and editorials represent the views of the writers or newspaper. Every organization has a slant in what they choose to cover and find newsworthy, you just need to be aware of it. With this in mind, I don’t see mainstream media as a bad thing at all or something that needs to be rebelled against. It serves a different purpose from Lemmy.

    Where I see Lemmy being useful and interesting is as a news aggregator with insightful discourse in the comments that’s not dominated by inauthentic behaviour. Reddit is completely flooded and driven by marketers and bots, where the content and discourse quality have become low and repetitive, which seems to be the end state of 2000-2010 era social media platform.

  • I can respect this take. I do worry that burying problematic content isn’t enough these days though. Even if only 2% of the visitors on this site see the content, all it takes is one person to believe there’s a demonic child trafficking ring and then you have someone shooting up a pizza joint. Not everyone who uses the internet has all their faculties and I think that’s an argument for going further than just burying the content. (I suspect we’ll start seeing more pressure on YouTube and Facebook to go further than they have too with regards to problematic content like this.)

    Edit: I also think that as platforms have become more strict about their community guidelines, the effectiveness of grand, overt disinformation campaigns has diminished, so bad actors’ strategies are switching to more subtle, softer disinformation campaigns.

  • You don’t have to be a professional to parrot Russian propaganda. How it works is they find a sympathetic ear, and then spoon feed this garbage content with them with the knowledge that someone will post it. Sometimes the content is targeted, other times it’s just pushed through these low quality / fake news sites and then gets picked up on social media and spreads. Sometimes the content starts out neutral-ish, then they build up this pro-Russian slant over time, slowly mixing in all this nonsense. No propaganda feed (for any nation) is 100% propaganda - it’s going to be 20% real news, 20% opinion, 20% opinions parroting Russian state media, etc. etc. It’s similar to the magic mix Facebook gives you in your feed.

    Beyond the main issue that this thinly-veiled propaganda community is going to attract the wrong audience and expose the existing/future audience here to utter bullshit, I take specific issue that the end goal is to undermine the security of our fucking country. Russia has been fighting a cyber and information war against us for over a decade and we can’t just look away and pretend it’s harmless. Between allowing state sanctioned cybercriminals to flourish and attack our hospitals with ransomware, to trying to undermine democracy across the globe, we need to step up our game and put our foot down against this shit because it’s going to get a lot worse, and the sooner we nip it in the bud, the better.

  • GameGod@lemmy.catoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldHave I been DoS'd?
    11 months ago

    I don’t see anyone else actually telling you how to figure out if you’re being DoSed, so I’ll start:

    Check your logs. Look at what process is eating your CPU in htop and then look at the logs for that process. If it’s a web application, that means the error and access logs for it. If you see a flood of requests to a single URL, or some other suspicious pattern in the log, then you can try blocking the IPs associated with them temporarily and see if it alleviates the load. Repeat until the load goes down.

    If your application uses a database, check your database logs too. IIRC postgres logs queries that take longer than 5 seconds by default, which can make it easy to spot a slow query especially during a time of high load.

    I don’t think DNS amplification attacks over UDP are likely to be a problem as I think most cloud providers filter traffic with forged src addresses (correct me if I’m wrong). You can also try blocking all inbound UDP traffic if you suspect a UDP flood but this will likely break DNS lookups for you temporarily. (your machine should not have any open UDP ports in any case though if you’re just running Lemmy).

    If you want to go next level, you can use “perf” to generate a system-wide profile and flamegraph which will show you where you’re burning CPU cycles. This can be extremely useful for troubleshooting performance or optimizing applications. (you’ll find that even ipfilters takes CPU power, which is why most DDoS protection happens on dedicated hardware upstream)

  • Steve/GN strikes me as the annoying guy who just waits you for you to make a mistake and then shouts GOTCHA and makes a video exposing why you’re an idiot to the world. There’s just this weird antagonistic tone/vibe I always get from Steve’s video. (IMHO LTT and GN are both great at what they do, and that’s why they’re both successful.)

    Edit: this is also a “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” situation. GN makes a 44 minute long video about this (lol) and I’m sure LTT will make at least one reply video. If they go back and forth, it’s just more content and clicks for both of them. Win win.

  • They always say the same opinions because it’s part of a massive astroturfing campaign by Chinese and Russian state actors. They’re both attempting to sow discord in the West and lay the foundation to ramp it up to interfere in the 2024 US election.

    Do you remember what a shit show Reddit became in 2016? We’ve seen this exact pattern before, where a deluge of people with the same carefully calibrated opinions on everything appear out of the blue. They want to create the illusion that there’s some popular movement towards all these inane opinions, and you can even see from the comments on this thread. They’re using the same known troll tactics to push this (eg. “Just asking questions”).

    This a good test of Lemmy’s moderation and federation model and will be indicative of how it fairs next year when these campaigns really ramp up. Good on the admins for taking this seriously and nipping it in the bud.