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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • To add to this. Both parties told all other creators that all music that was made in this dispute would not be subject to copyright claims. So far all claims made from Kendrick’s label have been dropped which has allowed critics to listen freely and even remix and make work from the original work. Drake said the same was going to be the case for what he put out however in typical fashion Ovo/umg has claimed all content that contains any of drakes source material. I’m generally not into this kind of public beef but in basically every regard Kendrick is right and Drake is pretty much the most pure example of everything that is wrong with the music scene today.

  • Tons of good responses here. I’m surprised that nobody has brought up Tailscale though. It’s def the easiest vpn solution I have found. It’s got some great documentation and how to projects to get a home lab running and it’s got its own domain system baked in most of it being zero configuration. You can access mullvad vpn exit nodes straight from it, and set up those domains with ssl super easy e.g.

    sudo tailscale serve —https=443 localhost:8096

    That single command would allow any other devices connected to your Tailscale account to reach your Jellyfin using the domain “{serverhostname}.[tail-scale].ts.net” complete with a private reverse proxy and ssl cert.

    There are a few things to click around in tailscale on but it’s a extremely easy to use free application that has made my self hosted life significantly easier due to my system living behind multiple firewalls that I sadly have no control over.

  • No no no no. I love the pinebook pro. But please don’t suggest it to anyone as a newbie hardware choice trying to get anything done. There are so many little quirks on hardware this slow and moreso having to deal with arm repos and all of the incompatible software/workarounds.

    A few examples.

    1. If you want to watch YouTube you basically have one browser option. Chromium. Additionally if you want to watch any drm content then you need to install a docker container that runs chromium that has drm enabled.

    2. App images and flatpak software repos are nowhere near complete which can be not great for someone who is just trying to get some work done. Really not great when some devs are exclusively distributing via flatpak.

    3. No virtualization. It just doesn’t have the capability. Sure there are docker containers but that isn’t exactly virtualization.

    I love my pinebook. It’s a great machine for just have a very cheap low spec thin client with a decent keyboard and screen but I would never ever recommend it to a newbie.

  • Thank you for posting this. I gave up on the show a week ago around episode 600. Marineford legitimately felt like they spit in my face and told me my time was worthless with how many cuts of “he’s almost there”. The show looks like it gets interesting again afterwards but Marineford legit just sucked the will out of me to continue watching. I was thinking of looking up a fan edit to just get the cliff notes and this is perfect!

  • If you don’t purchase from carriers then there are lots of options out there. Fair phone makes a pretty decent phone new phone, pixel is great after you degoogle it. Older one plus phones are generally a steal. If you wanna get really adventurous (test bleeding edge totally free software with no restrictions) there’s the pinephone. Just be warned that one is straight up unusable as a daily driver imo. There are tons of great options if you purchase through channels other than carriers. What just sucks is phones that you would typically buy that would be unlocked are no longer unlocked if your only choice is through a carrier. I even remember a while back some phones would lock their bootloader when you brought your unlocked phone to their network if they sold a equivalent version of the device. I haven’t seen that in nearly 10 years though and I think it had something to do with oversight on manufacturers behalf and poor choice of distribution of firmware.