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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • Did you fully read the post you shared or my reply?

    “Well, Jewish people need a place where they won’t be discriminated against” I absolutely agree. so make every country in the world safe for Jewish people.

    How you can interpret this as anything other than displacing the Jewish people from that region, is on you.

    As for my “agenda” - it’s to share from my lived experience and knowledge of this conflict (which most of you have none) to push for REAL peace and freedom for ALL of the people of that region (and it looks copy-pasted because the erasure of Jewish history on the land is always the same), and as I already said - ignoring thousands of years of history because you’re too lazy to learn it properly, and reducing the conflict to an “easy” but useless solution to fit your black and white view, is a sure fire way to ever let that happen. If you want to continue to do so, knock yourself out, but erasing the parts that are inconvenient to your agenda, only demonstrates your ignorance and unwillingness for there to be an real and viable solution to a conflict you openly refuse to understand (until we are free of states and nations, the ONLY viable solution is a two state one, where both people share the land).

    No one is forcing you to double down, you can just put your hand up and say that in your quest to ignore nuance you uncritically shared a post that didn’t say what you think it did (unless you agree that Jews have no history or place in the region and should all be removed and displaced to countries they have nothing to do with, which I don’t think you do) and admit it’s an uninformed shit take. A straightforward “free Palestine” or even “fuck the state of Israel” meme would serve everyone much better.

  • Did you fully read the post you shared or my reply?

    I already quoted the part that’s inaccurate, also the post you shared isn’t calling simply for liberation from occupation, which I support, its calling for the displacement of Israelis basically “back to where they came form”, ignoring that they came form the region of Palestine/Israel, and mostly displaced by their own oppressors generations ago, while still maintaining some continuous settlement the region (so no, they didn’t sudenly turn up in 47-48, and Zionism is about a hundred years older than that - like I say, it’s easier to brush off as nuance than even learn the basics).

    You don’t free one people by displacing another. You free both by freeing them from the people playing them against each other and stopping peace for power.

  • Zionists invaded Palestine in 1947-48

    Being deliberately ignorant of history isn’t helping anyone.



    I do not support the apartheid state of Israel or the illegal settlements and occupation of Palestine, but Jewish people belong on parts of that land just as much as Palestinians belong on others, and this conflict will never be resolved as long as people, especially those who brush of thousands of years of history aside as nuance because its easier than actually making an effort to understand it, argue that only one group has a rightful claim to the land.

    An anarchist should be supporting the people, not one state or another, and this isn’t to say that there is a power balance or that both sides are responsible, no, only Israel is, but those in power over both people are using them as pawns to stay in power. They are the ones who need to be removed.

  • These protest have been going on for years.
    The idea that Israelis generally support him is part of his media narrative, not reality.
    The fact that the protests were getting bigger and louder before 7.10 is another reason war was allowed to happen (it keeps people distracted and united against an enemy that isn’t him, and the results are instant - many already saying to wait with holding him accountable until “after the war” as if he wouldn’t start another or make this one last until he made sure he couldn’t be removed).
    When he went to visit the front lines, he didn’t only refuse to meat, but expelled reservists who were called in to duty who were known to be at protests or signed letters against him.
    They have now also made it legal to shoot protestors with live ammo and arrest anyone suspected of “interfering with military operation” (this is mostly to target Palestinians and Arab-Israelis, but also Jewish protestors)
    The Israeli government doesn’t represent the Israeli people.

  • I don’t support the state of Israel, but I hate this bullshit argument so much - where do you think the European Jews came from to Europe, and why?

    They came from Israel (the region, not the state, which didn’t exist then) which they were expelled from, over generations, again and again, buy actual colonisers. And only wanted too return after centuries of pogroms that culminated in the holocaust, which was perpetrated by actual white supremacists.

    Are racism, xenophobia, islamophobia and colourism all happening, and are influenced by white supremacy? Yes. Can Jews ever really be considered white supremacists? Not by any actual white supremacist, so no…

    Is the state of Israel and the illegal settlements it supports now occupying some lands that aren’t theres and oppressing the Palestinians whos lands those are? Yes.

    Should they give those lands back and let their rightful residents live on them in peace (and be willing to share the places that are culturally and historically to both)? Yes.

    Is Israel an apartheid state that discriminates against its Arab citizens? Yes.

    Do Palestinians deserve freedom? Yes.

    Does any of this erase thousands of years of history and mean that Jews, from wherever the fuck they were expelled to in the diaspora don’t also have a rightful place on the land or are in any way comparable to actual colonisers who went to foreign lands they nor their ancestors had never set foot on and take them over? Absolutely fucking not.

    More people really should actually study the history before making such ignorant claims https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_and_Judaism_in_the_Land_of_Israel