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Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2024

  • I don’t youtube.

    My understanding is most other countries (and our credit card #'s) have …self-identifying? …some spiffy numbers built into them that cryptographically verify that they’re not fakes, whereas the US’s SSN is pretty much just an incremental number assignation and has zero additional info built into it.

    Like I know sisters that have sequential SSN’s because there was a snafu and they got assigned them at the same time, rather than when they each were born.

    Of course, I’m entirely against the whole fucking idea of giving people a fucking barcode at all, but that’s an idealogical argument for another time

  • Wasn’t that long ago, but damned if they ain’t making it harder to do. Every cheap plot of land I’ve looked at has such stringent use restrictions it’s basically having an invasive landlord with more steps. Homesteading is dead, at least in places i’d consider it.

    Not to romanticize it too much. It sucked so bad my partner’s mom responded to a trip idea with “what? Fuck no! We lived in a tent for a year, why the fuck would I want to go camping?”

    We still are never allowed to ‘just go live in the woods’ lol

  • My partner grew up in the mountains, and that’s very much how they ate. Home-grown, canned and cooked basically everything above flour. The kids got taught what they could wild forage themselves, and what to bring back to ask about.

    Now, they were so cash poor as to have to rub two pennies together to make three, but that’s a whole different point of conversation