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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2021


  • To summarize what I was telling another person. The number of people who care are far outnumbered by the number of people who don’t. It doesn’t matter if you or I or all 10,000 (just a random number for the sake of argument) of the people subscribed to a sub like this were to cancel when r/justworks or r/normie (made up subreddits for the sake of argument) has 100,000,000 who don’t give a damn about computers, privacy, or anything else beyond the service working or not.

  • I know you weren’t using the number 5 as a hard example, but a thing that people still don’t seem to realize is that the people in threads like this are the people that actually care. Even if the few thousand redditors who subscribe to a subreddit where they discussed that topic were to all (and I mean 100% of them) cancel there subscriptions. That is still only a drop in the bucket for Netflix. Losing a few thousand subscribers is still nothing if they made more money with the addition of ads.

  • The way permissions are listed on mobile operating these days is honestly pretty misleading.

    For example, I know some apps that need to request network permission even though they don’t need to connect to the internet. Not because they want to do anything shady, but because they legitably have to in order to get certain info.

    Not to mention the problem of listing everything an app can do as if it is doing all of those things.

  • Purchasing my first home, apparently all info regarding the sale is public information. Companies scrape or buy this data and then spam your mailbox with various extra services. In my case, it was mortgage premium insurance or something like that. Anyways, the letter I received in the mail went something like this: “You forgot something important regarding your home purchase”. I don’t remember the exact words, but it was something like that.

    I’m a first time home buyer and I am trying to stay on top of things. Of course, because they are able to get all the information regarding the sale. It looks legit, they have my name, address, loan number, loan amount, the bank serving the loan and everything. I call to make sure everything is alright and fortunately they didn’t answer. I took the extra time to look up what mortgage premium insurance even was and that is how I came across the fact that it may be a scam.

    Anyways, they call me back eventually and by this time I am on to them. I ask some questions regarding their company and the entire time they keep repeating the name of the bank that is serving my loan, but refuse to give me the name of their company. After a bit more back and forth they finally let it slip that they are from some unrelated insurance company to which I decline their offer. I wanted to curse them out, but I just wasn’t raised that way.

    Edit: A lot of people don’t take online privacy seriously. Usually going whats the harm. I was never really comfortable with it to the point of apathy, but I was a bit lax at times. This experience made me find out first hand what the harm of everyone having access to your data is.