That’s cool! :) I also started Japanese in 2016 and also fell off in 2019 until 2020! Chinese maybe since 2014. What’s made you fall in love with it? How’s your studying been?
Buddhist, FOSS, Linux, selfhosting enthusiast, researcher, plantbased, anarchism and MLM interested
That’s cool! :) I also started Japanese in 2016 and also fell off in 2019 until 2020! Chinese maybe since 2014. What’s made you fall in love with it? How’s your studying been?
Haha, yes. Used them for ten plus years to study it. Now doing more Japanese but sucking at it. Regardless Pleco is the best language app outside of Anki. No Japanese app can do handwriting like Pleco. If I encounter some old or unclean character in Japanese I still use Pleco
Anki on iPhone. Pay one fee and it funds the other users but it’s forever.
Photosync small one time fee but you get an awesome app forever.
Pleco app. Has some add ons but well worth the money and no other fees.
I want the prey 2 commercial that we all saw
I would fund anything dune related as long is it was written or approved by Frank Herbert. For one I’m sad the movies will stop with book two. Also, the games that came out and are coming out look very boring to me. A game somewhere between Skyrim and assassins creed might be more fun. I’m not a game designer though. I would want it to capture the intense 1 on 1 fights as well as the massive intergalactic political action.
This is how I imagine a post scarcity world. Humans doing things simple because they can and want to explore the challenges, not just to survive.
As a Buddhist if nothing happens after death most problems are solved lol. This is why I always find “secular” Buddhists funny. Either way being compassionate and a source of wisdom to others is important.
Same thing for me. I couldn’t get radical running and baikal was easy :)
That is a fun fact
The biggest one I know is French in the Canadian one.
and steal other things as well
It’s always adhd 0_o
Looks great!
no worries :)
I always prefer paper, this is silly
Thanks! :)
I have some posts and no comments but replies. Would you be willing to share your sanitized config or hjson? Idk where I’ve gone wrong
What to you use for input?