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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023


  • A prior lawsuit filed over the “Trump Train” alleged the San Marcos Police Department violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by failing to send a police report after multiple 911 calls were made and a bus rider said his life was threatened. It accused officers of privately laughing and joking about the emergency calls. San Marcos settled the lawsuit in 2023 for $175,000 and a requirement that law enforcement get training on responding to political violence.

    In case you were still wondering what side the police are on, and whether you could count on their help if these people came after you.

  • I know you mean well, but really you have an unorthodox opinion that the vast majority of users, civilian, professional, even at the organizational level, disagree with.

    If you’re relying on a mechanical safety on the firearm itself to prevent tragedy, you’re already screwed. Kids can bypass that stuff with enough fiddling. They just make the firearm more complicated to use, which can paradoxically create more mistakes in some instances, especially under pressure. Nothing replaces responsible handling.

    I predominantly shoot Beretta 92 pistols. Traditional double action, comes with a manual safety/decocker from the factory. On the one I shoot the most, I purchased a kit from Beretta that disables the safety to make it only a decocker. It doesn’t make the pistol less safe, it is a dangerous weapon either way. It just simplifies it.

  • Starting your own business should not be the best or only vehicle to prosperity. You should be able to make a comfortable living working a normal job that doesn’t break you.

    Failure rate of small business is high, and you can’t blame all of that on lack of startup capital. Bad concept, bad execution, bad location, etc. could all play into it. The taxpayer should not be obliged to keep a “quirky” store running if it doesn’t bring in customers. Throwing good money after bad isn’t going to bring prosperity to anyone in the end.

    Not to mention that they compete with each other, not just the megacorps. I’m pretty sure there are half a dozen hair salons on our main street alone, and most of them sit empty at any given time, endlessly changing hands. Incentivizing startups will only make competition more fierce, so a few more winners but much more losers.

    We don’t need more restaurants giving the community more below minimum wage jobs that can’t be filled. We need that money helping everyone, with rent or groceries or something, so that they can actually have money to spend at the small businesses that exist.

  • “Other Emergencies” is a euphemism for liberal/non-white protests. The idea of their home town being overrun by “leftist” mob violence occupies both the nightmares and the fever dreams of the kinds of gun owners who would respond to this call-up.

    DeSantis reactivated the Florida State Guard on similar grounds of “disaster relief” then started training them like soldiers. Now he has a force of 1500 or so that reports directly to him and cannot be federalized. He even sent a few of them to the Texas border to test the waters.

    Expect to see more of these yokels try to muster up armed thugs in the coming months. I fear the worst no matter the outcome of the election.

  • He got fucking dragged by Trumpworld after he resigned over Trump’s stance on Afghanistan (or was it the Kurds?), it was probably one of the most severe about-faces I’ve ever seen from conservatives about one man. Went from a Marine’s Marine, a warrior-scholar, to a complete disgrace to the Corps as far as they’re concerned.

    Really cemented my view of Trump as a cult of personality when I saw that narrative, and the base eating it up, in real time.

  • The angry mob wanted to kill him, not the orchestrators that would have pull with the USSS. Do you think they were going to drive him out into the mob to the world’s shittiest gallows?

    If it ever came out that people in the Trump administration actively participated in a well-defined plot to kill Pence, they would fry. That’s why they sicced the mob on the capital to commit spontaneous violence. Difficult if not impossible to prove conspiracy, and the people getting jail time would be the red hat morons, not the people in charge. Again, they (the orchestrators) were half-hearted cowards that were more concerned with saving themselves if it failed than doing anything to make sure it succeeded, and for this moment in time we should be thankful for that.

  • I don’t think they were going to kill him. I think their play was to bring him off-site “for his safety” so he couldn’t certify the election, at most a kidnapping.

    The whole thing was too noncommittal by the big players in case things went to shit, which it did. They didn’t have the balls to plan out an assassination of the VP.

    It might have worked if they had the balls to do that, and other things.

  • There’s some subtle differences in the frame shape and other things that I’m too dumb to articulate. The only marks I can see are import marks from “CAI” - Century International Arms, which would be strange to see on a USGI 1911.

    I think this model is a Star BM, and surplus retailers were hocking these things for ~$250-300, about 6/7 years ago. I almost got one but decided against it.