• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I don’t mean the culture. Is that what you mean? I meant the software. The software itself is a clone of Reddit. It works nearly identically, except that it’s a federation of servers.

    That why I said it’s a clone of reddit, and that why I replied how I did, because I thought it was silly that you would say otherwise.

    As for the culture, I hope it never becomes reddit, but it seems like it’s too late. It seems I have to block some new shitposting community every day.

    But I mostly spend my time in niche communities of nice people talking about Zelda or cats, and not about whether Lemmy is a reddit clone or not because that’s a really stupid conversation to have.

    BTW, I think your reply was more rude than me saying “you kid yourself”, but whatever. I didn’t actually mean to hurt your feelings.

  • Nice! I recently played it, too. I also got every achievement on RetroAchievements.org in the process. Check out some of the achievements:


    Some are just “play the game”, but then you have to “beat” both quests without ever getting a sword. I use quotes there because you can’t beat Ganon without the Magical Sword, so the achievement is to get to his room. And there are some really hard one-room achievements like killing a bunch of blue Darknuts with only bombs, and killing each boss hitless. Gleeok was a pain in the ass.

    Plus ones like beat the game with no deaths. You can actually die, but you have to hit Retry and lose all your progress since your last save, which means you have to save manually once in a while. I lost an entire dungeon and some rupee grinding from a death one time. Ugh. In all, I ended up beating the game about 5 times to get all the achievements.

    At any rate, if you want to torture yourself, try to get them all! 😄 You just need an RA compatible emulator and an RA account.

    Retro Achievements is a really cool service, and I feel like no one knows about it. I didn’t know about it until a Twitch streamer mentioned it.

  • I’m guessing that’s what Nintendo wants us to think, but I bet he wasn’t actually “there” until I threw the fruit. But who knows. Maybe just before a Yiga member appears in that flash of light, he’s actually there and invisible. But I always thought they teleported in, and weren’t already standing there invisible just before they appear.

    I posted this in hopes other people share their experiences with this happening. Like, when I first caught a star fragment in mid air, I thought I got super, super lucky, until it happened again, and then 4 more times. 😄

    I recently learned that a Dazzlefruit will stun a Frox. That make them really useful. Originally, I only used them to slow down the annoying Lizalfos.