• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldHuawei tri-fold review
    2 hours ago

    they didn’t develop or innovate new technology to add one more fold.


    which makes sense, considering there are other companies that already made trifold phones.


    they added one more fold to a phone using the established and developed technology of foldable screens,


    Making the screen fold on the outside of the fold is not the same as making it fold on the inside. Which is probably why Samsung didn’t manage to beat Huawei to market.

    Why won’t you acknowledge when all reviews say that Huawei made the first trifold?
    To have a prototype that isn’t production ready is not the same. It may not even work!

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldHuawei tri-fold review
    2 hours ago

    He says “It’s gonna be…” these products do not exist.

    he’s talking about the Samsung trifold Z

    Doesn’t exist as far as I can tell. Maybe they couldn’t make it work?


    The world’s first tri-folding phone could finally land soon – and not from Samsung

    So no even if you may have seen it, those were not actual products, but development prototypes.

    innovation is a new idea resulting in some sort of paradigm shift or surprising development, not the logical progression of a known process like a foldable phone.

    That’s just childish, obviously you need technological innovation to make the idea possible. It’s easy to say “flying car”, and that has been done for a century, the innovation is to actually make it happen.
    The tri folded phone is not like previous folded phones, because the screen needs to be able to fold both ways. From THAT point it’s just continuation so you can make any number of folds.

    let me control my TVs and other devices with an IR blaster again please.

    The Xiaomi 13T / 13T Pro have that.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldHuawei tri-fold review
    2 hours ago

    isn’t nexus a Google phone?

    WHAT? It’s a Huawei phone adopted by Google, and marketed and sold by google with Googles update plan for Android.


    In the past, every single Nexus device had some kind of compromise, however, we think this may be the first time a Nexus device has ever gotten every aspect about performance, camera, battery, and design just right.

    This phone was widely praised for innovation, the build quality and camera quality, the rear fingerprint sensor, and just all around being amazing. I’m shocked you don’t even remember…?

  • t’s difficult to call that innovation when we already have foldable phones,

    It’s not the idea that’s innovation, it’s developing the technology that folds both ways seamlessly and is durable.
    Just because an idea is easy to get, doesn’t mean it’s easy to make. Ideas are easy, it’s making them work that is hard.
    And I’m not aware of a phone that existed previously that could do this and fold out to a single 10 inch screen.
    Even if it already existed, this is apparently the first good one.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldHuawei tri-fold review
    4 hours ago

    The longest video I ever recorded was 18 years ago, about 10 mins, just to see what the camera was capable of with a new SD card I bought. Generally my videos are less than a minute now.
    Obviously you wouldn’t use a 10 year old phone for your use case.
    However my Xiaomi 13T Pro 512GB would probably be fine. But I currently only use 10% of the storage.

  • I don’t know where you’re getting the Huawei news, but their market share has been nose diving since 2024.


    Huawei Market share in China increased 50% this year compared to last.

    Pixel, though, I can’t believe the automatic filters that are impossible to turn off.

    The Dr Dre of cameras. cheap hardware with a shitload of filtering to make it sound look good.

    how’s Huawei number one in the world for design?

    No doubt 10 years ago Huawei was clearly THEE leader in design. They had both amazing build quality and design. Heralded for beating Apple at the game, and putting others to shame.
    Beyond that, the friggin 10 year old phone my wife has still takes amazing pictures. Huawei was very strong in innovation that actually worked, which is also why they so quickly became #1 in the world.

    Even today after they’ve been handicapped in sales which limit development budgets they are still strong in the design department.

    These are examples of Huawei still stretching what’s possible in the physical aspect of making phones thinner. Just like they beat Apple in that game more than a decade ago, while maintaining a build quality that was as premium as Apple.
    The triple fold phone the OP is about, is a world first, not something that interest me personally, but still a design win over competitors.
    How they look is of course subjective,

  • 2nd note:
    Yes Huawei is not #1 as they probably would be without the sanctions. But still last I heard they are taking market share again, and that’s even without the Honor brand phones. And they are still strong on innovation and very popular in Asian markets.
    Instead it’s Xiaomi that is trying to take the position Huawei once had, but they are not quite as strong as Huawei in the design department, Huawei is IMO clearly #1 in the world in that regard.

    I would never buy a Google phone, it’s too much control for Google IMO. Also although their cameras are generally good, your pictures may end up basically fake, and not at all look like what you took a picture of. I saw posts about someone trying to take a picture in foggy weather, and the Pixel phone cleared it all up, so the foggy effect disappeared completely, and he couldn’t disable the AI treatment that did it. So he couldn’t take a picture of what he was seeing!!! Other phones use filters too, but not filters that essentially makes the photo fake.

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldHuawei tri-fold review
    5 hours ago

    That’s like eight good videos. It’s insane.

    Her current phone only has 16 GB storage, and no that’s not RAM. 🤣
    But what format video are you using? H265 Video at about 1.5 GB for a full movie look great on the phone. But needless to say she doesn’t use it for that at all.

    I looked at Sony when I bought my current phone, but I like big screens and a Sony with comparable features to my Xiaomi 13T Pro cost almost twice what I paid, and then it still only had half the storage.
    But message LED is a major feature IMO, it’s almost a Sony exclusive now.

  • I’m no fan of foldable phones, but it’s impressive that Huawei remains strong in the smartphone market, despite the restrictions imposed on them.
    My wife still uses her 10 year old Huawei P7! And she dreads having to buy a new one, because of the enshittification of Android.
    She wants the Nokia G42 for repairability, but you can’t friggin remove the stupid google search on your home screen! What an idiotic design decision by Nokia!?!?

  • Buffalox@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemdro.idXiaomi 14T Pro review
    13 hours ago

    You can still get a cover, and still have the advantages of better drop resistance and lower weight and being slimmer than a glass back with cover.
    I suppose the wear resistance is slightly better than your average cover. Mine looks OK IMO, but it doesn’t look new anymore. I usually put my phone on surfaces like tables or whatever convenient when I sit down, and the edges where the back curves are clearly a bit matte, and there are a few scratches from the incidents. But there is no discoloration or cracks or anything that looks broken or is an eyesore.