Step 1, figure out if any of your parents, grandparents, or in some cases great grandparents came from somewhere else. Many countries allow near descendents to get citizenship.
Step 1, figure out if any of your parents, grandparents, or in some cases great grandparents came from somewhere else. Many countries allow near descendents to get citizenship.
Half the population thought the US government was trying to kill them with a vaccine and a face mask while they coughed themselves to death.
You’re absolutely right, people are fucking stupid.
How to buy a government.
It’s not the US government controlling the algorithm though, it’s a company. China actually controls what byte dance does directly.
awww, does the brand new baby account pushing CCP propaganda not like being called out?
Too bad.
It’s not about the data, it’s about the control over what you see.
Americans criticize their government on all social media platforms constantly, I’ve never seen any level of censorship over such posts beyond stopping actual threats of violence.
I don’t know what kind of bullshit you’re peddling, but you’re just lying at this point.
Holy shit, how much are you being paid?
That has got to be one of the stupidest takes I’ve ever heard.
She only cares if people cheat on her personally. Voting for a cheater, totally okay.
It literally only takes a few thousand downloads to top that chart.
ChatGPT is #3, and there sure as hell aren’t millions of people downloading that each day
There are 6 video clip apps in the top 10, and TikTok itself is still at 14th
I call absolute Bullshit.
It says people are using translation tools to even use it because the interface is in Chinese.
The number of Americans doing that has to be absolutely miniscule.
What’s to know?
Facebook makes money by selling ads. Ads for stuff that idiots fall for are the most profitable.
Idiots want to be able to rage at LGBTQ+ people right now, so Facebook is going to allow it so those people spend more time raging on their platform (and therefore generating more money for Facebook)
They only had the restrictions in place before because the government was going to go after them for not tamping down the hate, but the incoming government clearly won’t care in the slightest.
The functional difference is the desired outcome.
China wants to control citizens even more than the US government does, by a massive margin.
Just look at the censorship China already has in place, the actual genocide of minorities, and look at what they’d love to be doing to Taiwan (and what they already did to Hong Kong)
Despite what the Cheeto says, the US isn’t going to be invading anywhere to expand the US.
The only thing Facebook cares about is pushing propaganda for is profit.
China has a far more nefarious goal.
The propaganda here is being pushed generate profit.
In China it’s being pushed for political power.
There is a difference.
It’s not simply about collecting data. That’s only part of the problem.
Why do people keep repeating this like it’s the only thing.
Tiktok controls the algorithm controlling which clips get shown. Combined with the data, this means they can propaganda individuals so hard it will make your head spin.
There’s a way to bring those circles together. Focus on improving yourself.
We value tons of things produced by rocks we run electricity through, why is this any different than a car that was produced using a robot welder or a house constructed with a crane?
You want us to burn down your white house again?
I think we should just take a few southern states, break them off, and let the dumb people all opt in to living there if they want to be intentionally ignorant.