Have had twitter blocked in my dns server for ages. All the big social media companies. Totally worth it.
Have had twitter blocked in my dns server for ages. All the big social media companies. Totally worth it.
It’s my eggs and I want them now! - JG Eggworth
But my eggs? I was told their would be cheaper eggs!
No he won’t.
Been outside or watched the news lately. What’s there to be in a good mood about?
If the models are trained from twitter. We are more fucked than we already are. Only thing it would prosper at is racism and bigotry.
“Fuck the planet. I’ll be dead from too much McD’s in a few years. What do I care.” - Trump
Still a slave to time on weekends. Gotta do all the shit I don’t have time to do during the work week.
But we all know what will happen. Nothing. Nothing will happen. Nothing will be done to stop it. Nothing will be done to enforce to laws of this country.
I’m just glad I bought all the trump NFTs.
Don’t worry everyone. They will give trump money. He will just ignore the law and restore TikTok. He will be the savior and hero.
That or he will force them to sell it to his fuck buddy elon. Either way this will make him the most beat person in the history of people.
Yeah. But this will be biggest, most largest, in the history of crowds. Billions of the best people will be there.
And there will be a million people outside for this. The largest crowd in the history of crowds. So many people, more than you can imagine. And there will be videos and pictures showing tiny, shrunken, crowds. Yet his base will call them fake.
I can’t believe Biden and Obama started these fires. With their energy weapons. And now they aren’t doing anything to put them out. Trump would have had the fires out before they started. The dems aren’t even using aircraft or people….those videos on the news are fake AI.
-Some MAGA probably
Would be a shame if people reported the fake deaths of billionaires, politicians and celebrities. See if they keep with the no fact checking.
Most likely this is just a change demanded by orange man after Zuck bent the knee.
Don’t forget, cali has private firefighters brigades. Just saying.
It’s embarrassing that the murder of 1 CEO is a bigger news story than yet another school shooting.
I’m not sure they could have run a worse candidate.
NC is so fucked. Everything that is happening is a blatant power grab by the GOP. Nothing about politics, just control.
Are these valid in the US?