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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Many, many years ago, yahoo chats had a thriving story RPG population. And I mean THRIVING. Epic stories were written between characters that people just made up. There were loose rules and mutual respect most of the time, just like any society, and it was honestly the most creative time of my life. I was always a loner in my real life because of some undiagnosed ASD and ADHD, so this was a blessing when it came to learning the social ropes and basic rules of any society.

    I couldn’t tell you their name anymore, but we had the longest interaction between characters that I’d ever experienced. The story we wrote was legendary - at least to my 13-14 year old brain it was. There was a plot, a build up, a crescendo, a finale, and a prologue. I had it saved somewhere but couldn’t tell you where. It took us the better part of almost two years.

    After we completed the story, it felt final, like there was nothing left to say. We’d had a whole life story together and that was it. Yahoo chat was shut down shortly after that, rightfully so due to predatory pedophiles ruining everything. I’ve forgotten the majority of the story and it’s details, but the feeling it gave me I can still remember was the deepest story hangover I’ve ever had in my entire life, more than any other book I’ve ever read.

    I hope their still writing.