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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • The robot that was bestowed with unimaginable precognician that survived for 20 Millenia patiently guiding humanity along the right path as prescribed by the Zeroth law of robotics forced on it that drove all other robots mad?

    The robot that at every turn was curtailed by human lust and greed? That had to do horrible things because humanity lacked the foresight to see that charging a living being with “Doing no harm to humanity or by inaction causing harm” would be just awful for that soul?

    Pretty sure Demerzel always worked in the shadows for the greater good. Especially when operating as Olivaw.

    Seems to me like humans are the ones that kept messing up the laws of robotics. Not the other way around.

  • I mean… Kind of Asimov’s robot series? Except the androids/robots were trying so hard to stay to the rules and protect humans but at every chance they could humans fucked that up or refused to see the plan.

    At least as I recall, the robots basically came up with multi-millenia spanning plans that would solve all of humanity’s problems and then humans were like: “Cool. But what if we made robots detectives and they could also target people we don’t like?” Then the robots fucked off for a while and a bunch of stuff happened and… Yeah. Asimov wrote a lot of books.

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