Did it even say it was MK9?
Did it even say it was MK9?
Reddit-ass post with the complete smugness of being confidently incorrect.
One Rich Asshole Called Larry Ellison
Once again, the problem can be traced back to DNS 😜
Ugh I hate how hard I laughed at this
If it’s not grown in the POTS region of Bell then it’s not dialtone, it’s just sparkling doot .
The only way to hide your bad deeds in a world where everyone is a reporter, where everything’s a camera, is to fill the air with noise, and hope we all become too delirious to see.
Right that’s why was careful to say ”identified” and not “named”. If you give someone enough information to infer with certainty a patient’s identity without express permission from that patient, you’re cooked.
It’s looking real Gary in here
They’re scared of being harassed by Trump
Must be bliss, mate
Socialism is when no mobility and have no nice things
If everyone gatekept language like you then no one would ever speak.
You’re not impressing anyone, you’re just annoying. It’s Ohio as fuck.
It should probably go without saying, but just in case anyone reading this doesn’t know, these types of issues should be submitted as a bug report.
~will edit this post with a link after I go dig one up.~
Use bugs.kde.org
Yeah but at least it ends
We live in an age where the voice can be processed locally on the phone (we’ve had on-device speech-to-text since the late 90s…), and it’s already listening for a wake word, meaning mic is always hot. It doesn’t need to be streamed and use bandwidth; it can fire off 4K of JSON every few hours and relay more than enough information.
Just program whole dictionary of key phrases and scan the wake word buffer like you are already doing. Easy, stealthy, encrypted. Every voice assistant from a major tech company could (and likely IS) doing this.
This also provides ample opportunity for domestic (or even foreign!) spying my state actors, too.
Apple is the one who got caught so far
If you think Google, Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, Samsung et al aren’t doing this, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Not a violation unless he has identified the patient
If you feel like being adventurous: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/lg-ac-wired-controller-integration-via-esphome-esp32/582954