• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    Is being a Jew an ethnicity, or is it a religion? Is Sammy Davis Jr. the same ethnicity as Jerry Seinfeld?

    The reason there needs to be a Jewish state is because of antisemitism. Personally I doubted the necessity of a Jewish state. Then October 7 happened and the spike of antisemitism in the West that followed it.

    I’m not the reason there needs to be a Jewish state. The hatred you feel towards Jews is the reason there needs to be a Jewish state.

    But go on spouting your vitriol. The only thing you’re accomplishing is proving the necessity of the existence of Israel.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Zionists are ethno-Fascists who happen to ethnically mainly be Jews and who claim they represent their ethnicity even against the denials of lots of Jew who are not Zionists.

      Being a Jew does not make one be a Zionist just like being a white person with blond hair and blue eyes does not make one a Nazi, no matter how much the ethno-Fascists - Zionists and Nazis alike - claim: contrary to ethno-Fascist claims, the relation is entirelly unidirectional.

      Being against the kind of actions of ethno-Fascists - mainly the violent calous mass murder of people of different ethnicities than the one the ethno-Fascists claim to defend - has no racist component at all, no matter which ethnicity the ethno-Fascists claim to defend, because the abhorrence of their acts is quite independent of the race of the perpetrators or their victims.

      The only race/ethnicity thing here is brought by the ethno-Fascists themselves who incessantly go on an on about the ethnic group they “represent” and how anybody criticizing the ethno-Fascists’ actions must be against that entire ethnic group rather than merelly the ethno-Fascists. Nobody else cares which are the races involved, only about the nature of the actions of the ethno-Fascists and that they are justified using racism and racist tropes.

      Your incensant desperate attempts at framing everything as being about the race of the people involved is a perfect example of ethno-Fascist argumentation and way of thinking.

      • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
        3 months ago

        Yeah antisemites have used a lot of hairsplitting and labelled a subset of Jews to be bad in the past too. Google “Cosmopolitan Jew”. If you rationalize a way acceptable to hate a subset of of Jews, you make it more likely people will look the other way on hatred of all Jews.

        In the past the Nazis made people feel it wasn’t really antisemitism to hate only the Cosmopolitan Jews and those people looked the other way when they attacked Jewish businesses and synagogues. Their ultimate goal was to eliminate all Jews in Europe.

        Right now your being told it’s not antisemitism if you only hate only the Zionist Jews and you’re looking the other way when Jewish businesses and synagogues are being attacked. The propaganda you’re reading is coming from people whose goal is to eliminate all Jews in the Middle East.

        You’re just rationalizing how Israel is the fascist to avoid facing the nature of the movement you’re a part of.

        What do you think it would be like to be part of a fascist movement? Being angry all the time? Being given a target for your hatred? Supporting an antidemocratic, misogynistic, homophobic regime? Being told a democracy is tyrannical? Being told the media is being controlled by… well… you know? Marching alongside people that want genocide?

        What would tip you off that you’re part of a fascist movement? I guess as long as they keep you angry, you don’t have time to think about it.