Throughout my gaming journey, I've encountered numerous instances where subtitles, an essential feature for understanding game narratives, have been poorly
For instance, Assassin’s Creed Origins had subtitles turned off by default and 60% of players turned them on.
It seems tv audio engineers expect everyone to have a high end theater speaker setup: that’s the only way to be able to hear it, apart from to use headphones, which is cheaper, but it’s not a great solution. You’d think apps like netflix and Disney plus would be able to include a setting like video games that selects a different audio mix, or separate tracks for dialogue and sfx each with thier own volume slider.
It seems tv audio engineers expect everyone to have a high end theater speaker setup: that’s the only way to be able to hear it, apart from to use headphones, which is cheaper, but it’s not a great solution. You’d think apps like netflix and Disney plus would be able to include a setting like video games that selects a different audio mix, or separate tracks for dialogue and sfx each with thier own volume slider.