This post was inspired by a dream misadventure I had last night where I was just minding my own business getting gophers out of the rice field, then suddenly on the intercom/announcements (which I did not expect to have in my dream, since I was outside, not in a building), a voice said “attention, this is a representative of the fediverse speaking… going into effect today, dreamland itself, err, everyone’s dreams, are now a part of the fediverse; that is all, happy floating on cloud nine” and then suddenly a bunch of Stalingrad ninjas popped out of nowhere and ambushed me (yeah, how would you react if that’s the case). So I guess I’m not even safe from everyone in my sleep.

    6 months ago

    I wrote it out as if it were the spec script plot of a movie.

    Guys out with his friends watching the eclipse and all of a sudden some other guy walks up behind him puts an umbrella up and covers over the view right at the apex of the eclipse. He turns to look at that guy and the guy says don’t look at the Sun. As soon as he says that all of the main characters friends suddenly explode in a puff of dust.

    The guy starts freaking out and then eventually they end up working their way back to the house as he has the other guy the angel explains what is going on

    It’s the end of days. the eschaton. And the Sun is claiming every single person it can.

    This guy claims to be your angel. To prove it he shows obviously hobbycraft Dollar store wings and a Halo that’s clearly being supported by a strand.

    The guy says that there must be something going on I’m going to look at my phone as they’re driving around and right as he’s about to open up the news the guy slaps the phone down and it says don’t look at your phone.

    As someone who freezes the video should be able to see a picture of the eclipse on the phone, from a camera stuck pointing up at it and everyone who looks at it to turn it off instantly explodes

    Why did the angel save the man? Is the Angel actually an angel? What things happen?

    The angel says that the guy is not exactly the best dude in the world. And given that is the end of days this is the last chance you’ll have to make everything right and the angel kind of goofed off a little bit so you know I got to figure out a way together to get him into heaven so that the angel also gets to go to heaven and to do that they’ve got to do some good deeds really fucking quick, well everyone that even catches a glimpse of a reflection of the eclipse Sun immediately explodes into dust.