Debian sid user here. If it appears now or in two weeks in the repo does not change anything for me as I don’t depend on the changes for my workflows. For Debian Stable I actually demand them to come much later, in a mostly bugfree version. What’s the rush when it probably needs more field-testing?
Debian sid user here. If it appears now or in two weeks in the repo does not change anything for me as I don’t depend on the changes for my workflows. For Debian Stable I actually demand them to come much later, in a mostly bugfree version. What’s the rush when it probably needs more field-testing?
For Debian Stable, it should actually never come, cause what’s the point of KDE on a server?
Lol. My gaming PC runs Debian Bookworm and KDE.
Lol. My server runs Arch Testing.
Nice! How many 9s you got on that?
Like…probably 1.
… How many zeros preceed that 9?
pls no bully ;_;
Edit: Actually my site is up about 99.9% of the time, and that’s good enough cause all it currently serves is this pic:

Least furry Arch user