Seeing a thread get locked just for asking if it’s okay to disagree with trans people’s identities really rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t want moderators pushing their agenda on to me. If I see something I don’t like, I can block that user or community. It’d be nice to block entire instances, but I don’t think we have that feature yet.

Does anyone know of any instances that don’t have stringent rules that exist to push a narrative? I’m cool with some moderation, like for spam and illegal content.

    1 year ago

    The admin of this instance also is the admin of and the code of conduct (applies to all of ruud’s stuff) can be found here:

    Any person who is a user of this instance or participates in any community hosted on this instance is bound by those rules.

    If you don’t like the rules, you are absolutely welcome to find an instance that you would prefer but remember, if you still choose to visit any community here, you gotta pay attention to the rules. If you don’t like that moderators can and will moderate, you might want to find some other place to hang out.