I noticed my feed on Lemmy was pretty dry today, even for Lemmy. Took me a while to realize lemmy.ml has been going up and down all morning, and isn’t federating new posts.

But, since this is all still federated, I can still create and read posts on other instances while I wait. Even this one! Any other service would just be unavailable completely right now.

I do miss the larger communities on lemmy.ml - asklemmy, memes, and I really wanted to watch the reddit fallout on /c/reddit. Maybe I’ll look around for some good replacements for those. Open to suggestions!

  • João Pinheiro@libranet.de
    1 year ago


    They can communicate directly or indirectly, just like e-mail, because they both use the ActivityPub protocol, as well as the other instances and platforms that form the Fediverse!

    It’s like when you send an e-mail to someone: you can send it directly to the receiver or someone else can forward your e-mail to another person.
