Just kicking the tires on this thing.
Trying to see if there is a limit on the size of messages.
Also trying to see if each message has it’s own web address (like Mastodon).
What does the font look like?
Is this stuff markdown material?

How about a code snippet?


bash the final frontier: where no dos-derivative mind-slave

has gone before.

These are the voyages of someone, no one has ever

heard of, who is charting a bold new multi-year campaign to

free the minds of billions serving the yacht-masters.

function display_hello () {
local greeting=“hello”
echo “$greeting”


Doubtful that this is the longest bash hello world script that

anyone has ever seen before.

Not sure what the record is.

Now this file (and account) can be deleted as this user is just kicking the tires.

Another platform where I can post stuff without having to be concerned with people reading it.

Can someone get banned from this platform for disrespecting the dos-derivative yacht-masters? Let’s find out.

If this post is still on this platform 2023-6-24 then it might be a yacht-master free zone.

Other wise, it’s not much better than #birdsite or #meta or #reddit for that matter.

OK this post is long enough.

Let’s see what the code snippet looks like.