“You will rent everything and own nothing”.
You can still buy 100% of the games on gamepass. I don’t see Microsoft stopping individual sales as I’d expect that action to draw the attention of regulators
Microsoft has shown that nothing will turn the attention of toothless regulators worldwide. They can do anything they want.
It’s this or buying nothing. I play most games for a few hours to see what they’re like and then ditch them. I love the current system as it is kinda making me feel like I’m part of gaming still while mostly being too tired to play. Starfield is the first game in years I’ve spent more than 5 hours on (dozens by now) in years. Never would’ve played it without gamepass.
So a yay from a guy in his late 30s
I haven’t used a disc in a long time. Even before I got my series s most everything I played was gamepass or a digital purchase. When used physical games barely cost less than a new game, why bother?
“Until you consciously decide to buy an Xbox game instead of rent it, causing those weird arguments on the internet to sputter out.”