What would be a good sign coming out of such people?

  • harmonea@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I really don’t have the desire to deal with this level of unhinge over carts, especially when most of it is self-contradictory, begging the question, and/or straight up incorrect.

    If I was willing to meet you halfway with “just irresponsible, not bad” before, this response right here eliminated all that.

    • TheArstaInventor@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      I really don’t understand you took this so seriously in the first place, and many of the arguments you made make 0 sense like that trash comparison, and the fact that you asked me to go somewhere else so what, I can return a cart? Or the fact that if I don’t return the cart, I am making someone else do the work for me when some stores have people PAID TO DO THAT, because they lack cart return points, and how I am making them do it for the same reason I don’t want to: climate, when they wouldn’t even pick up carts from parking lots till night.

      Not to mention how me returning would mean that employee’s will be free from getting the carts until that is not true, because people are bound to just let the carts on the sides if the store did not bother to make return points, and literally have someone ready to pick them up at the end of the day, which tells me even they ARE NOT bothered from the store. Even if I stop, that wouldn’t matter a bit if others didn’t do the same, there are tons of people living nearby, and customers are bound to do this if the store doesn’t give proper return points, this is reality.

      Man, that’s just a whole other level of insanity, glad you can’t deal this argument anymore because I am really not interested in this either.

      If you think this is bad or irresponsible given a genuine reason, then you haven’t really seen the real irresponsible and bad things out there in the world, because this is nothing…

      There was once in walmart a year back when they asked us to return the carts properly because it was too windy outside so it won’t hit properly


      Again, I find this funny, you sound like an absolute perfect person who wants everyone to be extremely responsible and do it despite inconveniences i’ve mentioned above…

      Look, it’s nice to hear that, but in the real practical world, people WILL leave their carts if stores are not bothered or care enough to install return points in the first place.

      Come out of your delusional world, seriously.

      • harmonea@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        that’s just a whole other level of insanity

        glad you can’t deal this argument anymore

        If you think […] then you haven’t really seen

        Incidentally, I’ve got another measure for when someone is probably a bad person. Someone else in this comment section said it, so I’ll quote and link.

        they get angry with you for enforcing your boundries.

        Now, see, that up there was me enforcing my boundaries, and you hauled off and insulted my sanity and made all kinds of assumptions about my life experience. Painted yourself into a corner on this one, my dude.

        • TheArstaInventor@kbin.socialOP
          1 year ago

          Please don’t take this in a different direction against me lol, I am only calling this discussion and your arguements as “insansity” like the trash comparision you made that makes no sense to me, I obviously don’t even know you personally, so that no way was mean’t to apply for you, just the arguement and some of those points you put forth.

          I didn’t mean or never called you as a person as insane lol

          Good job trying to shift it that way though

          • TheArstaInventor@kbin.socialOP
            1 year ago

            And it’s funny how you left out 90% of my arguements, cherry picked them as per your liking and highlighted them against me.

            EDIT: And I just realized you have been cherry-picking since the very beginning, leaving a lot of the good points I put forth, only highlighting some points alone like the weather, making it seem like I am being ridiculous with excuses, although I had a bigger context behind it.

            You also said: “I don’t really have the desire to deal with this…”

            Yet you can’t put a full stop and try to understand another perspective rather than your own, you seem to have a very locked and closed mindset, atleast from having this conversation although that may not be the case.

            But you need to understand, it’s nice to speak like a very responsible person, expecting everyone to be that way, I admire that, but the reality is, people won’t go to another store and find a place with huge cart corrals just to be able to return it (I am saying this as you wanted me to take my money elsewhere), that’s just not practically possible and it simply isn’t convenient out there in the real world,

            nobody is going to travel somewhere else that could be much further away just to be able to return a cart, I bet it’s not even something people think off when they go do grocery shopping, you have to be considerate when demanding people to be more “responsible”.