Currently users you block can still see your posts, reply to those posts, and trigger notifications when they do reply.

You can read the beginning of messages people you have blocked in your notifications tab, but have to unblock users to see the rest of what everyone else reading the replies to your post can see.

A “blocking” feature that is only inconvenient to the blocker is worse than no blocking feature at all, equivalent to trying to escape a fistfight by turning invisible but actually just closing your eyes.

  • FfaerieOxide@kbin.socialOP
    1 year ago

    It should be trivial to set a “blocked=true” marker and not show those posts.
    If nothing else, it should possible to set a blocked tag not federate replies from blocked users to users that block them if an asshole set up their own server with blackjack and hookers.

    I am aware how easy it is to open links in private tabs.
    Have only been advocating making it that much more difficult to harass people.

    I want a speed bump, not a bunker.

    A way to get rid of people who care enough to be assholes but not enough to sign out of their accounts.

      1 year ago

      I’m sorry, but you don’t know nearly as much as you think you do. This isn’t like Reddit. What you are asking for is not technologically simple, it would be trivial to circumvent, and perhaps most importantly, it’s philosophically incompatible with the very concept of public speech.

      If you are incapable of or unwilling to accept that, there’s no point in continuing to attempt to explain this to you. It’s all been addressed, repeatedly.

          1 year ago

          No, it actually hasn’t.

          I skimmed the other threads and it has all been thoroughly covered.

          Y’all just seem to think people have “a right” to harass others.

          You just seem to think you have “a right” to control others.

          Nobody that you’ve blocked can harass you in a way that your demand to mute their account would prevent, Karen. Watch me prove it right now.

          • FfaerieOxide@kbin.socialOP
            1 year ago

            Oh, ya skimmed huh?

            Doesn’t make you any less wrong.

            There is no reason why the feature I have laid out couldn’t be implemented, and I believe I have laid out plenty of justification of why it should.

            Again, the person who wants to allow further harassment calling the person who wants to provide a means to stop it “a karen”. You are a silly person.