"ARTICLE 19’s new report reveals how China is expanding its digital authoritarian model of cybersecurity governance across the Indo-Pacific, posing a grave threat to people’s rights – regionally and globally.

Through its Digital Silk Road, China is not only developing digital infrastructure, but also aggressively promoting its own norms for governing these technologies. One area where this is most pronounced is in the promotion of cybersecurity norms. The success of China’s digital norms-setting in this critical realm of internet governance risks supercharging digital authoritarianism regionally – and normalising Beijing’s model internationally – at the expense of human rights, internet freedom, and democracy.

Cybersecurity with Chinese Characteristics establishes a baseline understanding of China’s repressive cybersecurity norms and reveals how it is smuggling them, via the Trojan Horse of digital development, into 3 Indo-Pacific countries: Indonesia, Pakistan, and Vietnam. It also presents a compelling alternative model of cybersecurity governance: Taiwan’s transparent, rights-based, multi-stakeholder approach."


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