This is it. I have to close up shop providing mentorship for #cybersecurity careers. My final available sessions are posted. I will not be able to provide the service in Australia due to visa and time.
My apologies, and love to all the students I’ve seen over ten years.
I am doing everything humanly possible to be able to resume these services in the future. Please be patient with me.
@[email protected] put you own mask on before assisting others.
@[email protected] Please remember to put your own mask on before attempting to help others.
@hacks4pancakes ((((hugs)))) 🧸
I’m amazed by how relentless you are in caring for & supporting others (I was going to say “tireless” but I’m sure you’re tired all.the.time 😩)
I hope you’re able to top up your own energy resources & practice self-care 💕 (let me know if I can help from very-afar-but-soon-not-quite-so-afar)
@[email protected] 🫂
I expect to be booked completely within the hour.
And I’m booked. Thank you to everyone who came to see me and shared their successes with me over the years.
@[email protected] congrats on your decade of service.
@[email protected] I had my kid book one of the last two spots you had in April. Thanks for all you’ve done.
@[email protected] even if there werent any issues with performing this service after your move, i think “im moving countries “ would be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why you wont be able to do it for a while!
@[email protected] I … the reason I have asked for like optional $10 is that people don’t value my time otherwise. They don’t show up, or show up late.
@[email protected] ive found the same thing :(
@[email protected] so I’ll look at doing it again when I’m settled but we will see how bad I get abused when there’s no money attached…
@[email protected] @[email protected] Maybe do it in exchange for evidence of a $10 donation to a particular charity? As long as you don’t try to claim a tax deduction for donating your time to the charity, it would be hard to construe that as a visa violation.
Just a thought.