Looking to start the process, and want to host my own domain for email so I don’t have to repeat this when changing email providers in the future again. Does anyone have any recommendations of solid ones with a focus on privacy and are reliable? I’ve heard Namecheap is good, but would love other recommendations.
ive been with https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/ for almost 15 years. theyve been awesome… their site looks minimal because its run by a bunch of linux geeks who wanted people to only have to pay for what they use. its purpose-driven, and very functional.
also, they offer obfuscation services for hiding your ownership details.
Their website says that the entire business is in the USA. Their mailbox forwarding service operates out of Florida. As a Canadian, this is a nonstarter for me and I do not trust an American company with my privacy.
NFS is amazing! That reminds me, I don’t think I’ve logged into the web UI in maybe 5 years and things have just been running smoothly regardless. I should check out what they’ve been up to.
its almost comically the same. they dont seem to change anything without a solid, practical reason so their interface has been unchanged.
you can tell they dont have executives forcing change for changes sake like so many terrible businesses coughredditcough.
This is really cool, never heard of these guys before. Thank you!
Now, if only I could find another email provider that’s good that isn’t Proton…
i think the proton hate is debatable
Thank you for this article. I’m a proton user and had been a bit concerned. The “little guys” comment especially bothered my when I first read it, but the take from this article makes sense. Appreciate you.
Tuta is the closets to Proton ID you’re looking for just strictly email. Otherwise I’d suggest Fastmail. But also depends what you’re looking for in the provider. I went with fastmail as they help develop open-standards such as jmap instead of imap. They also to encrypt all data at rest and own all their own hardware. This was what sold it for me at least. Good luck 👍