I’m 25 and I don’t have a drivers license. I mean, I’ve never really felt the need to go and get one. Public transport is usually the fastest option where I live, and it takes a lot less responsibility to use it.

But most people would still prefer driving, rather than using the public T. Why?

  • seasideghost@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    when i lived in southern california there were almost zero public transportation options. local buses were scarce. california is huge and vast and takes time to get anywhere. it’s really built around owning a car.

    now i’m in seattle and at first i had to learn how to take public transportation. i’ve been working at the same place for 5 years and i primarily take transit. when i move i make sure i’m along a transit route. my employer also pays for a commuter card so it’s free! and with gas approaching $5/gallon, it’s a no-brainer. if i go downtown on the weekends, i’ll take transit because it free! and i’m usually drinking…

    i wish the US would invest more into public transit or even better, promoting cities where you live and work instead of having to commute 1+ hrs one way.

    • DarkGamer@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Having lived in both situations as well, I definitely prefer public transportation. Just being able to focus on something other than the road during the commute and read a book is a pleasure. I feel like most people who cling to the car never experienced the alternatives, usually because they aren’t viable where they live.