In my opinion, Abby from TLOU 2. During the first part of the game, she is portrayed as the bad girl, but when she become the playable character, you understand that she isn’t:

-Her father and friends were unnecessarly killed.
-She became pariah from her clan when she saved a member of a rival clan.
-She have been harschly tortured.
-She spared Ellie despite having occasions to kill her for understandable reasons.

I don’t get why many players didn’t changed their minds at the second part of the game, it’s so obvious that the real bad people are Ellie and Joël. Theres no problem about having sympathy for bad guys, but you must keep your critical mind.

And what infuriates me is that people even harassed the voice actress because of what her character did. Come on, guys !

    1 year ago

    I honestly don’t trust the narrative opinions of anyone who thinks TLoU2 sucked. By proclaiming you don’t like that game’s narrative, you simply call yourself out as not understanding it. There are no good guys or bad guys in TLOU story - and that’s the whole point. TLOU2 really turns the good vs evil narrative of the first game on its head after already turning the narrative on its head with the final scene of the first game. TLOU is entirely about what it takes for someone to give in to their worst impulses and how there’s a monster in all of us; It’s a showcase of the toxic and never-ending revenge cycle. TLOU2 really tied it all together perfectly by forcing empathy and understanding on the player. It’s a game designed to consider empathy for all its characters, which some people clearly overlook because they aren’t capable of that.