So ive been thinking about using godot or gdevelp but im not too sure if those are teh right ones for a beginner to use. im not sure why but i want to make a video game, i dont even have an ideas but i want to make one for some reason. once i get a better computer which will be in a few days hopefully i think i might use unity, maybe.

i could use suggestions, advice, tips, you can even share a story if you want to. ive made a few posts before and everyone says to download blender to make things with and then use godot becasue its open source and low end.

    1 year ago
    1. Your questions should be more specific. An engine in which programming language? I don’t know what you are learning, and you MUST tell us.
    2. I see that your history is filled with random questions. As a developer, you should learn how to use Google instead of posting here before.
    3. Try [email protected], you’ll have more results.