“zomg russian cyber criminals are using free books to fund their lavish lifestyles!!!1!1!!!1! you should go support corporate rent seeking publishers ‘creators’ by paying thousands for basic knowledge!!!11”
this shit sounds like it was written by a middle schooler making a history presentation. it’s hilarious
Seems like a fairly reasonable way to live. Is that supposed to look lavish?
Let’s see the lifestyles of the CEOs for Springer, Wiley, and Elsevier for comparison.
FBI be like:
There’s a rainbow. Its so gay! Therefore … wrong!!!111
Let’s see Paul Allen’s lifestyle.
It even has a watermark.
Those fucks forcing money into their pockets from science are the absolute dregs of society. I actually respect angel investors more since maybe they made a good decision with their money (that feels gross to just type, even!). The fact that a select few companies are able to make science pay to win is absolutely sickening.
This is coming from someone that never even graduated college, let alone spending time in academia.