I would like to know if I can feel safe here, or if I should pack it up and start looking elsewhere sooner rather than later.

If the kbin staff have already made there intentions clear, please let me know.

  • duringoverflow@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    i’m sorry but you’re naive.

    If I want to post something and I want people to see it and react to it, I will post it to the side with more people.

    do you know how FB or instagram work? Do you think that when you post, your post reaches your whole audience? I believe you know how they work but for some reason you chose to ignore now.

    My argument is that the fedipact, if executed as desired by the people running it, will defederate from Meta and anywhere that federates with Meta.
    So now you have 2 fediverses, completely separated from one another.

    So, you’ve read the history of XMPP. Did you understand what google practically did? Simply put, meta will create new features on top of activity pub. Open source activity pub developers will be in a constant race to adapt their own projects in a way that will be compatible with meta’s project. They will have no voice but to follow whatever meta decides. Users will start getting fed up that their open source instance is not behaving as well as their friend’s meta instance. People will jump project and/or when users are polarised, meta will decide that they had enough with activity pub. It doesn’t cover their needs and they move to another completely closed project. Users again are forces to choose side and the open source community is just left with the project which they adapted in favour of meta, but now meta is gone because they were never in the same boat actually.

    Staying away from meta is a decision in the basis of protecting the whole project. It is not because people don’t want to be close to the users of meta. It is because meta is not here to promote the federated networks. It is here to make profit of it and they may even destroy it if they believe that this is the way to make profit. Siding with them is naive and will never bring value in the network itself.

    • asjmcguire@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      None of that addresses the objection that has been raised though.

      If instances want to defederate from meta that is perfectly fine, the Fediverse is supposed to be about choice.
      Instances should not however be able to dictate what OTHER people on other instances are able to do.

      By doing so - that part of the fediverse is behaving in exactly the same way that they fear that meta will behave eventually.

      • duringoverflow@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I don’t get it. Nobody dictated anyone. People want absolutely none relation with meta and they want to be on a different network than meta. By federating with instances that federate with meta, everyone ends up in the same federated network while some pretend that they don’t see each other. Meta is not here for the same values they are. Meta is not here for the values of the fediverse. Ostracizing meta is the only healthy solution if we agree that they have ulterior motives.

        By doing so - that part of the fediverse is behaving in exactly the same way that they fear that meta will behave eventually.

        by not doing so, is like accepting meta as friend while at the same time you’re waiting for the moment they’ll stab you. Fediverse and activity pub have absolutely nothing to gain by allowing this.


        • asjmcguire@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Right… so - the long and short of it is -

          A company (any company) decides to integrate with ActivityPub, and the entire fediverse has a toys out of the pram moment every time that happens, gradually closing off into smaller and smaller federated circles, that stop federating with the rest of the fediverse.

          A reminder, Tumblr are supposed to be adding ActivityPub.
          Wordpress has.
          Discourse I believe now has.

          So who exactly is it that gets to decide which companies are and are not allowed to be part of the Fediverse?

          It’s all very very much like a dictatorship, whether you want to accept it or not - that’s exactly how it is being operated.

          • be_excellent_to_each_other@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Absolute strawman from the very first paragraph. Some people might complain about any company, but this uproar is specifically about facebook. Let’s not pretend they are just any other company. They are among a short list of companies who have demonstrated just how awful a big tech company can be if allowd.

            They have at no time in their history demonstrated any capability to be anything other than an example of all the worst things that Stallman or any of the OG greybeards would ever have warned us about. They are corporate greed exemplified, nearly to the point of parody.