• pyre@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    it’s someone who identifies as a woman.

    if you meet someone who says their name is Jack, do you ask for government issue identification? no, them telling you is enough, because that’s all you need for social interaction.

    same with gender. you don’t need to check their genitals. if it looks like they’re presenting as a woman, they’re most likely a woman.

    in fact this is what you do on a daily basis. if you see a woman across the street wearing something ridiculous and turn to your friend and say “look at that woman over there” it’s not because you confirmed whether she has a vagina or not, but because she’s presenting as a woman. social cues, not biological.

    and if you make the wrong assumption when talking to or about someone and they correct you, and you say sorry and refer to them as a woman going forward. really not a problem in real life. just chodes who never have contact with actual women because they’re disgusting creepy weirdos.

    • LustyArgonianMana@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Yes exactly and this is similar to what I tell older conservatives. It doesn’t matter if there’s 70 genders or what a woman is or any of that. They don’t have to know all that if it’s overwhelming. They only need to know what pronouns someone wants to be called. That’s it. Respect that, and they don’t have to talk about any of that other stuff or worry about it. It’s none of their business and that’s okay.

      Whenever they get all bent out of shape I just redirect them back to that. Because I’m sorry, some of these people are in their seventies. They literally cannot rewire the scaffolding in their brain to delete the gender binary that they constantly referred to during their lives. It would be like breaking your arm and rehealing it at that age. We don’t really need them to understand, we just need them to be respectful.