@selfhosted Self host phone contacts sync
I am searching for something to sync my phone contacts between multiple phones for some time. Best case it shouldn’t use DAVx^5 and should support Android and iOS. Thanks for your suggestions!
What I found so far:
Nextcloud - but needs DAVx^5
Radicale - also needs DAVx^5
SoGo - needs some CARD-DAV application
They posted from mastodon though, so they do need to mention the community in order to cross post there.
really? that is cool. i did not realise that was possible. ah fediverse… so many possibilities!
You can even call mastodon bots here, e.g. @[email protected] in 5 minutes
@redcalcium Here is your reminder!
Thank you my dear bot
Ah, I see. I suspected it might be something like that. I’ve never tried that.