Major tech founders, CEOs, VCs and industry giants across Europe have signed an open letter to the EU Commission, warning that Europe could miss out on the generative AI revolution if the EU passes laws stifling innovation.

Executives from 150 businesses highlighted the risks of tight regulation, saying the rules could threaten the ability of European companies to compete in AI.

    1 year ago

    There’s probably only two ways to go about it, either regulate AI and protect creatives, or lean into AI and let the creatives fend for themselves.

    But if they decide to regulate AI, they would need to add protections from places with less regulation too. It’s no good protecting your creatives, if US tech companies can gobble up those creative works into their AI datasets anyway.

      1 year ago

      With generative AI and it’s harmful impacts being the hot topic right now, I can see how the EU regulations are garnering so much attention and support right now. Even if they do pass the regulations, it’s still going to be important that other countries (US, Canada, Japan, South Korea, etc) get on board or I can easily see the EU being left behind in this space. Like you said, some sort of protections by the EU are going to be important.

      With that said, I just don’t see how these regulations remain long term if there isn’t buy in from other countries.